
Our courses are designed to inspire and empower participants in taking a stand on sustainability, both in their personal lives and in their communities, with Integral Ecology at the heart of all that we teach.

Developing Environmental Responsibility

This course is designed to inspire and empower participants in taking a stand on sustainability, both in their personal lives and in their communities, and is held in collaboration with the Centre for Environmental Education and Research (CEER) of the University of Malta, the Interdiocesan Commission for the Environment and the Pastoral Formation Institute.

By the end of the course participants will:

  • Understand the basic Environmental, Social and Development Challenges we are facing as a country and globally
  • Apply critical thinking skills to bring about sustainable choices in their day life
  • Apply critical thinking skills to bring about sustainable change at a household, institution and community level
  • Reflect critically on their roles and identities as active citizens, consumers and change makers in a complex and interconnected world.

For more information about the course click here.

Mimicking Natural Ecosystems - Growing Food Sustainably

This course is meant to be yet another tool in the rediscovery of a better quality of life through simple and archaic processes such as agriculture. It aims at helping participants strengthen their connection to all that exists, while learning clean and sustainable ways of practising agriculture.

Interested in learning with us?

Reach out to us stating which course you're interested in and we'll happily get back to you with any information you need.